msn1270 wrote:Dear Moderator.
Looks like this Ravikanth has some vested interest. There is no need of such threads in this genuine group.
Please delete it asap.
Dear Moderator,
Out of the over 460 hits/views this thread has got in just 5 days, out of the 40-45 followers of this thread, only 5 have been posting negative comments about the discussion or casting aspertions. The rest are just quietly reading and are trying to get enlightened.
We can do two things here. Either delete the thread straightaway here as per the above advise or take a vote from the bloggers. That would be the best democratic way of functioning if this truly is a community service web site/blog. If majority of votes say "Delete", so be it.
Or a personal assessment/final call to "delete" be taken, by the Moderator after analysing the below facts:
Out of the remaining bloggers - about 10 have already collected information from me on their personal email IDs. A 15 page document about the proposed project has been forwarded to these 10 bloggers/readers. Who are they?? I can mail their EMAIL IDs to the Moderator on the Moderator's personal email ID. The moderator can then check with these ID holders by corresponding with them about my vested interests which the above blogger is talking about.
In addition 16 bloggers have called me and spoken to me about the project. Their contact numbers will be given to the Moderator. The moderator can then check with these 16 bloggers if there was talk of any commission/brokerage/monetary reward between them and me. I will then be vindicated. You will then get to know that I do not have any vested interests like how one of the bloggers here seems to be saying.
If you delete the thread, in other words, just because 5 bloggers are disbelievers/naysayers which is a minority, 40 others who form the majority, who are following the thread seriously - it will be an injustice and a disservice to this majority, if the thread is deleted.
That certainly, is not "service" to the community - the very purpose for which this website/blog was set up.
Besides, I have been very professional all along on this blog, never used a foul or abusive word. That means, I dont qualify to be disqualified. On the contrary, a very old blogger/member has used an unparliamentary word "stupid" in one of his posts on this same very thread.
Finally, it is your call.
Best regards,
Ravi Kanth, 9886341839,