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veneer wardrobes costing

Posted: February 21st, 2013, 10:27 am
by nsbb123
I want to do costing for a veneer wardrobe
say 7 x 7 sq ft and a loft of 2 1/2 ft

what will it cost ?
can some one help with like starters

final cost

ply can we use Century ? or an ordy ISI comml ply
what is the cost difference

if I buy material and hand it for work is it cheaper
or give it a whole deal to the carpenter?

Apprecaite any details?


Re: veneer wardrobes costing

Posted: February 23rd, 2013, 8:05 am
by JollyRogers
The cost depends on the brand of the materials that are being used. Commercial Ply will cost you (19 mm) around Rs.55 to Rs.80, waterproof ply will cost you from Rs.80 to Rs.120 per sq.ft.
The labour these days range from Rs.180 to Rs.220 per sq.ft.
Depending on your choice, and if you have ample time and can buy stuff yourself, it is better to go for a carpenter, else you can get it done from an interior designer. (for a 7 ft * 8 ft wardrobe using Greenply my interior designer quoted Rs.55,000).