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Skylight seepage issues

Posted: March 25th, 2021, 8:22 pm
by rajeshe8

DO we have any product which completely stops water seepage from skylight. I have a big skylight installed with round finish at the second floor . I tried those silicon gels but are ineffective .The gap between the glass and the cement concrete seepage continues . I'm not sure if there is any product we can use , being summer thought to fix this .

Please let me know if you guys have come across such situation. Thanks


Re: Skylight seepage issues

Posted: March 26th, 2021, 5:00 pm
by msn1270
Generally this issue is more to do with labor workmanship. Only few experienced ones' can make perfect skylight area work. Generally they use bigger sized Fiber glass/board than the actual size of the sky light area so that the Water will drop out away. Also they give tapered edges than curved edges, so that the water shouldn't flow in reverse way from top side of the glass..etc.

Re: Skylight seepage issues

Posted: March 26th, 2021, 7:35 pm
by ardesarchitects
Hi Rajesh,
If you can share the pic of the skylight it will be easy to suggest for the same. Most cases if you have glass and concrete at the same level it will be recurring process to keep filling the gaps and there wouldn't be permanent solution.  You should have ledge wall built on all sides and fix glass at higher level, but most do it same level to claim the terrace floor space.

Ardes Architects and Interior designers