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Sump & Overhead Tank capacities?

Posted: March 10th, 2016, 2:24 pm
by srigp

I am planning to start construction of a building( in 30x50 site) with
Ground - 2BHK - 1Nos
First - 3 BHK - 1Nos
Second - 2BHK- 2Nos

How much sump and over head tank capacities do I need to go for?


Re: Sump & Overhead Tank capacities?

Posted: March 10th, 2016, 4:02 pm
by msn1270
Sump, at least you need to go for around 15000 Liters capacity to have back up for at least 3-4 days, assuming a head count of 10-15 from all the 3 floors.

For overhead tank, you can have three options, based on whether all the 3 floors for your own family usage or for rental also.

1) Single tank of 3000 litres with common incoming and outgoing pipelines for all the 3 floors.

2) Single tank of 3000 ltr capacity & 3 separate outgoing pipelines for each floor with a meter to know the individual floor consumption.
This is easier and straight forward. But electricity charge need to be shared among the 3 floors in proportion to water consumption.

3) Alternately, you can have separate tank for each floor of capacity of at least 1000 litre with separate lines/pump/meter
In this method is more efficient and totally independent for each floor on water + electrical expenses.

Re: Sump & Overhead Tank capacities?

Posted: March 13th, 2016, 7:39 am
by srigp
Hi msn1270,

Thank you very much for a detailed response.