borewell submersible pump review
Posted: March 19th, 2015, 1:00 pm
I am planing to put submersible pump for the bore well which is having a depth of 969ft. I got some quotations for texmo taro and aquatex. Not much difference between both. Only difficulty they are telling is taro doesn't have any service centers in Bangalore ,they need to take it to hoskote. If anyone is using aquatex ,please tell me if it is good. Or please advice if any other brand is good.
I am planing to put submersible pump for the bore well which is having a depth of 969ft. I got some quotations for texmo taro and aquatex. Not much difference between both. Only difficulty they are telling is taro doesn't have any service centers in Bangalore ,they need to take it to hoskote. If anyone is using aquatex ,please tell me if it is good. Or please advice if any other brand is good.