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Regarding WALL Plastering
Posted: September 13th, 2014, 11:04 pm
by balajics
Could you please share some thoughts on the WALL Plastering?
1. Should we use Grade 43 or Grade 53 for plastering? And, how many days of water curing is needed?
2. I was thinking of buying Zuvari Brand Cement... Is it good one ?
3. Can we do cement plastering and then directly applying putty (which will be done by Painting folks ( I guess!!!)) ? or should we do lime rendered plastering? Which is better for better bonding?
4. Also, is it MUST to fix chicken mesh on the places, where there is a pillar and wall joint ? Or Will it have crack later ?
5. Any general tips?
regards, Balaji
Re: Regarding WALL Plastering
Posted: September 13th, 2014, 11:40 pm
by vijaymanyam
Hi Balaji,
43 grade has less heat of hydration in comparison with 53 grade. In simple terms it is the heat produced by the cement when it comes in contact with water and other materials of mortar or concrete. Hence 53 grade produces a little more heart han 43 grade and the chances of developing the cracks is more in comparison. That's the reason if you see birla dealers they advise you to go for ultratech if you are doing plastering and not birla super 53.
If you ask me personally, I am doing my building with psc ( you get good brand for nearly 315 rs )rather than Opc because it gives light colour textured surface that would demand less putty.
Apart from this when u are doing the plastering pleas ensure the wastages of cement and sand are minimal, this is the place where you generally don't have control on the materials at all.
Spread some cement bags near the wall surface that is being plastering as it can be used again.
If sand is under the scope of contractor , ensure that he brings a good quality sand as it would bring lot of difference to the quality of plastering.
Curing for a minimum of seven days is required.
Yes chicken mess is very important at concrete and block joints.
Hope this is useful to you.
Re: Regarding WALL Plastering
Posted: September 13th, 2014, 11:45 pm
by vijaymanyam
Hi Balaji,
43 grade has less heat of hydration in comparison with 53 grade. In simple terms it is the heat produced by the cement when it comes in contact with water and other materials of mortar or concrete. Hence 53 grade produces a little more heart han 43 grade and the chances of developing the cracks is more in comparison. That's the reason if you see birla dealers they advise you to go for ultratech if you are doing plastering and not birla super 53.
If you ask me personally, I am doing my building with psc ( you get good brand for nearly 315 rs )rather than Opc because it gives light colour textured surface that would demand less putty.
Apart from this when u are doing the plastering pleas ensure the wastages of cement and sand are minimal, this is the place where you generally don't have control on the materials at all.
Spread some cement bags near the wall surface that is being plastering as it can be used again.
If sand is under the scope of contractor , ensure that he brings a good quality sand as it would bring lot of difference to the quality of plastering.
Curing for a minimum of seven days is required.
Yes chicken mess is very important at concrete and block joints.
Hope this is useful to you.
Re: Regarding WALL Plastering
Posted: September 14th, 2014, 8:46 pm
by Hemac_135
Hello Balaji,
Please find my suggestions below,
1.I would suggest ppl cement for the the wall plastering and curing of 1 week is sufficient for ppc cement.
2.when it comes to cement you can go ahead and use any of the known brand cement.
3.Applying putty after plastering is good when it compared to lime rendering plastering because there will not be much curing in case of lime rendering plastering.and again cost will be bit high for direct putty method.
4.yes, chicken mesh is must for the rcc areas at least for out side plastering.
And when it comes to general tips,
Curing is the important factor.
Have small lines in plastering for rcc strcture.
Call me incase if you have any other queries.
Excuse for typos.
Re: Regarding WALL Plastering
Posted: September 15th, 2014, 2:01 pm
by balajics
Thanks a lot for your reply Dileep.
I'm using red bricks ... so, should we need to use chicken mesh for pillar and wall joint? Our contractor was mentioning that it is not must for red bricks and only needed if we have used cement blocks.
so, can we use PPC even for brick work? or PPC needs to be used only for plastering?
Regards, Balaji
Re: Regarding WALL Plastering
Posted: September 15th, 2014, 10:55 pm
by vijaymanyam
hi balaji
One important reason why we use chicken mess is that since the concrete and block / brick work are two different structures, they might behave differently under various situations like climatic changes, plastering holding capacity near the joints etc. Thats the reason it is good to use chicken mess just in order to ensure that it doesnt leave any cracks.
This is my understanding of it.
Yes you can use PPC or PSC for block work, there is no harm at all. It has a cost benefit also to it.....
PPC is minimum of 4 rupees less than OPC 53 grade
PSC has a difference of 10 rs than OPC 53 grade
Hey by the way, is there any one who is using AAC blocks, i have seen a very good bonding material that would totally replace cement, sand, water. Please get back to me on 9986829742 incase you need further information on it
Re: Regarding WALL Plastering
Posted: September 16th, 2014, 6:20 am
by girishd
We have used 43 grade OPC for wall construction and also for plastering. My house has load bearing walls and no columns. If 43 is used for plastering, curing should be done appropriately.
Every cement company is marketing PPC heavily as their profit margins are better with PPC than OPC due to fly ash content.
Re: Regarding WALL Plastering
Posted: October 23rd, 2014, 10:16 pm
by bala4034
I have few questions, can you please share your experiences about these.
1. is about using chicken mesh: My contractor says mesh is not required between RCC beams ans block wall because
the beam is cast against the wall, is it true?
Also do we need to put mesh on the wall where is electrical conduits are laid out?
2. I saw my neighbor's contractor was using some chemical (mixing with water) for the plastering, any idea for what they
are using? and what it is?.
3. Current rate of 3/4" thick plastering for a ground + 3 floor building?
Re: Regarding WALL Plastering
Posted: October 25th, 2014, 9:50 am
by girishd
1. My contractor says chicken mesh is needed for column to wall joints and not for necessary for beam/wall. Check with your engineer
2. They must be adding integral waterproofing solution like Dr. Fixit LW+ or Fosroc Conplast X421
3. It depends on quality of sand used and workmanship. If fine quality Trichy sand is used and workmanship is superb then cost may be as high as 36-40. Average cost for low/medium quality plastering should be around 30-34. Last month both sand and cement cost has increased. So need to account for that