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Updated Item rates

Posted: June 5th, 2012, 5:28 pm
by kanaka_nagar
I saw list of item rates on the forum. Given the fact that the cement, sand and steel are hiked up does this still holds good. I am in the process of negotating prices with my contactor, for example the BBM 9inch price in the list was 110/sft, but my contactor says he cannot go below 150/sft and he has back up calculations to prove it too. is that i am missing something here? does any one have updated item rates?

The big items i am looking for price information are
2. PCC 1:4:8
3. Internal and external plastering
4. Flooring - marble/granite - including and excluding cost of stone
5. Painting - different types-royal, emulsion, apex, enamel, melamine (i know it is polishing...still)
6. wood work - teak and other / sft
7. Misc items like bull nosing, skirting, half nosing etc., etc.,
8. how much would be demolition costs for BBM, Beam plastering chipping, pcc removing, etc.,

Need to finalise the contract with my contractor this week end. Would appreciate price details from all the experts of the forum.