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BESCOM temporary connection monthly charges

Posted: April 22nd, 2012, 11:16 am
by sansjunk

I am in the process of obtaining a temporary BESCOM connection for the purpose of construction of a (Stilt+Ground+1) house. I do NOT have a borewell so the power would mainly be used for a sump motor and the construction equipment (wire cutter, tile cutter, welding, etc.). To avoid hassles with BESCOM inspections I have decided to go for a 3 KV connection. Also to reduce the frequency of hassles with renewel I was thinking of going with a 56-day option.

In this regard below are the prices quoted by one of the electrician (for 3KV):

28 days:
Initial Security Deposit = 9000
Meter Security Deposit = 1200
Meter Box + Wire + Installation + Misc = 6000
Total = 16200
Monthly bill expected = ~2200

56 days:
Initial Security Deposit = 9000 * 2 = 18000 (double)
Meter Security Deposit = 1200 (same)
Meter Box + Wire + Installation + Misc = 6000 (same)
Total = 25200
Bi-Monthly (58 days) bill expected = ~4200

Couple of questions I had:
  1. Is 3 KV fine for my requirement?
  2. Do the setup rates shown above look reasonable?
  3. Does it make sense to go for 56 day renewal to reduce hassle (and cost) of renewing every 28 days?
  4. Is the recurring bill amount shown above correct? It seems a bit too high to me.
  5. I was told that eventually when we move to a permanent connection BESCOM does not adjust/refund the deposits but instead gives a discount on the monthly bill? Is this correct? Why can't they just adjust it against the deposits for the permanent connection?
Thanks in advance!

Re: BESCOM temporary connection monthly charges

Posted: April 24th, 2012, 10:06 am
by m3_07
I have a 2KVA connection with a 28 day renewable scheme. My initial spend was 7.5K, with all charges included - Misc + Non-Misc. The monthly bill comes to 1344, where a minimum 160 units is charged. 160 & above is on a different slab (not aware of that price).

Re: BESCOM temporary connection monthly charges

Posted: April 24th, 2012, 3:26 pm
by sk1976
I have taken 3KV renewable every 28 days and the rates quoted for you are very reasonable. I pay Rs 2100 every month for renewal. This is only the minimum. If the usage exceeds the minimum threshold( I don't know the exact value), the bill will be more than this.

Re: BESCOM temporary connection monthly charges

Posted: April 24th, 2012, 11:04 pm
by sansjunk
Thanks m3_07, sk1976 for your responses.
I am inclined to going for a 58 day renewal but can you tell me if the deposit is refunded in full or can be adjusted against the deposit for the permanent connection? Since the deposit for the 56 days is double I want to make sure my money isn't stuck with BESCOM for years (which will happen if they only adjust against the bills).

Re: BESCOM temporary connection monthly charges

Posted: June 29th, 2012, 1:23 pm
by pradeepecr
for 3 phase connection with 3 Kw load for 28 days renewal, what will be minimum usage units for Rs 2100.

Re: BESCOM temporary connection monthly charges

Posted: June 30th, 2012, 12:20 am
by sansjunk
I finally went with a 28 day renewal (2KV) and it costed me about 11K upfront. For renewal the electrician is charging Rs. 885 x 2 = 1770 (for 2KV). He told me that the rates have gone up. Can someone please confirm if this is so?

Re: BESCOM temporary connection monthly charges

Posted: June 30th, 2012, 10:33 am
by pradeepecr
Hi San,

Yesterday I went & paid 2016 Rs for 3 Phase - 3KVA. After waiting there in EB office for a more than one hour to get sign from JE. Finally I found a guy inside & given him Rs.50 to pay for me.

1. You need to take reading from ur meter.
2. You need to fill the Renewal form & get Signature from JE and he will record it in ledger.
3. Then you need to go to account section to get the bill for the same.
4. Pay to the cash counter.

All requires your patient & time, If you go directly.


Re: BESCOM temporary connection monthly charges

Posted: June 30th, 2012, 12:55 pm
by sansjunk
Thanks Pradeep. I can be patient but unfortunately I don't have the time. Are the renewal charges for 3 Phase and regular connection the same? If so I am being charged 885 - 672 = 213 extra for each KV. I wanted to arm myself with this info when I confront my electrician. These guys try to take you for a ride - especially when we don't know what the true rates are.

Re: BESCOM temporary connection monthly charges

Posted: June 30th, 2012, 1:06 pm
by m3_07
This is what I do:

1. Collect the reading & the PD from the meter myself.
2. Fill the form myself.
3. Go to BESCOM & get the JE to sign, myself - no charges
4. Go to BESCOM payment collection counter & pay the bill myself


Re: BESCOM temporary connection monthly charges

Posted: July 1st, 2012, 12:26 pm
by sansjunk
Thanks m3_07. May I ask how much you paid per KV for the last renewal? In your earlier posting you had indicated the monthly bill as 1344 for 2 KVA which comes to 672 / KVA. I just wanted to check if the rates are still the same.