Construction cost inputs

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Construction cost inputs

Post by Hari »


what is the current construction cost/sqft . I know that the price may vary depending on the quality, i am right now looking for average quality for a 2 story bldg, this is for my personal usage.

I am only looking for outsourcing the whole contract from architecting the house to getting approvals, construction + completion ( electricity cost) . I am not right now looking for wardrobes and fancy electrical equipments.

Hari Krishnan
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Re: Construction cost inputs

Post by amit_pearl2 »


I would say it would vary from 1250 to 1500 rs PSF. Entire contract. I was told that if material is purchesed by us then
there might be some saving and also quality would be good. At the same Material theft is big issue.

I would say Entire contract would be ideal provided you know the contractor well.I have seen some advertisements in Admag who claim that thier construction cost is 800 psf. i am not sure about what all does it include.

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Re: Construction cost inputs

Post by ardesarchitects »

Hi Hari,
In the present market average construction cost starts at 1000/- rs per sft .The major part in the budget goes to finishes like flooring, wood, hardware, paints etc...
Before you make deal with any contractor, one should have a proper design with every basic level of details like structural, windows, grills, plumbing, electrical, railings etc .So you know what he is charging for what. You can control the cost by changing the design or quality .This is the only way one can track the quality and cost.
Entire contract is always a risk unless you know the contractor personally. I believe there shouldn't be any gaps in making the contract, we should talk about every item and negotiate it before we start construction. Once construction is started it’s very difficult to negotiate with any contractor.

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Re: Construction cost inputs

Post by MNRS »

What about selecting a contractor only for the labor and if the owner is taking care of the material cost etc?

Isn't works better than the full contract including the material ? which one is beneficial and economical ?
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Re: Construction cost inputs

Post by Hari »

Thanks a lot for the responses.

One more question, can any one recommend some good contractors , i have not yet finalised on land but looking at ITPL or sarjapura area, i would prefer to go with a guy who has done good work rather then trying some one new.

Hari Krishnan
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Re: Construction cost inputs

Post by ardesarchitects »

Labour contract is the most economical way and best quality possible .But you should have a dedicated person to take care supply of material and inspection. The major part is the co-ordination between various agencies like plumbing, electrical, fabricator, bar bending etc....all these co-ordination are important if you really care about design .For a normal construction with typical design style can be executed much easier when compared to designer.

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Re: Construction cost inputs

Post by ngupta »

I learnt Labour contract most important issue is Payment (Advance) schedule with them.
Typically they end up asking good advance, pleading that some percent work is over.
How to measure that %age work ?

And in between days when there is no work, say post laying slab, for next 20 days.
If during those days they went to other customer, then how you will manage.

Not sure but labor cost itself is around Rs 150 / sft for FAR+.
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Re: Construction cost inputs

Post by ardesarchitects »

Hi Nalin
What you pointed out is 100% a practical problem. In any contract unless we go through all kind of class and conditions; no one will be able to manage them later.
You should ask them "what if" "what if not" for every kind of work , strictly talk about time lines , let them come up with a time line sheet .After you schedule the project properly then talk about schedule of payment with reference to benchmarks.
All the details should be worked to the minute level and then execute the work. If we are not confident of what and how to build, then there is no use of depending up on a contractor and worrying for mistakes.
To avoid the civil mason leaving from the site, we should always feed him with enough work at every level, during the first slab is cast let him do the compound wall foundation. After it he will have enough work at every slab.
There should be always a civil mason to co-ordinate with other agencies, since you will be lay man in terms of technical work flow.

Ardes Architects and Interior Designers
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